Archive for the 'Global Warming' Category

Plant a Tree for a dime – 100$ plants a forest

Do you know that we left with only 1% of forests in United States and across the world millions of acres of deforestation happening and they are converted into our furniture, news paper and other products. What we are doing to grow the forest back? Nothing?

We can donate or buy a Tree planting kit from My idea is why not with our friends go out every weekend and plant trees outside? It will be fun, exercise and good for environment. I have zero knowledge on the trees and which trees to grow and i get help from Trees for the Future. They have lots of resources like online training, video presentations etc to learn about trees and how to grow them.

So what are you waiting for? Get out and make your hands dirty !

Trees for the Future will plant trees across the world for a dime.

See this video for more information. 40$ will plant 400 trees and 100$ will plant a forest.


hybrid solar lighting..

I am always wondering why we need to use fluorescent lights or infact any lights in the day time when the sun is shining. I got to know about Company Sunlight Direct which created a product called the Hybrid Solar Lighting. It uses plastic fiber optic cables to transport light from outside the building to inside. It costs around 10,000$ for the 1000 sft space lighting.

Great product for commercial and retail companies..

See this video to know more..


Install ‘localcooling’ on your PC to reduce ‘globalwarming’

global -> local

warming -> cooling

is what the mantra. is a tool which helps reduce the use of power used by the computer/ monitor. It’s configurable settings help you to use minimal power for the PC. And over the period it shows you how much gallons of gas, trees and Kwh saved by using local cooling. With only few weeks i installed this software on my desktop it already saved 17.8 gallons of fuel or equivalent to planting 2 trees.

So ‘cool’.

If you have a PC (i hope you have if you are reading this 😉 please install on all your computers and also tell your friends to install the same.


From the website:

So Far Our 229362 Users Have Saved:

2459760.0 KWh Equal to: 1180684.8 Gallons of Oil and 130367.28 Trees

Install ‘localcooling’ on your PC to reduce ‘globalwarming’

Facts of Global Warming - Source

June 2024

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